
Education Committee

Connecting business and education

Our overarching goal for the Education Committee is to connect businesses and education entities within the region, engage and obtain buy-in from the business community, and increase student engagement. This Committee works to achieve the following: 


  1. Create partnerships among school principals and businesses;
  2. Obtain sponsorships and participants for hosting student tables at Chamber events;
  3. Host education supply drives;
  4. Grow awareness for the Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce Foundation. 
Committee Co-Chair

Susan DelPortal

Palm Beach State College
Carrie Bradburn/CAPEHART
Committee Co-Chair

Katie Thompson

Junior Achievement of the Palm Beaches & Treasure Coast®

2024 Principal for a Day, October 21 - 25

The Palm Beach North Chamber Principal for a Day program is a one-day commitment starting as early as greeting students in the morning through dismissal. Principal for a Day is designed to help community leaders better understand the complex role of the school principal, experience the issues that a principal faces on a daily basis, and to strengthen business-education partnerships.


If you are interested, please complete the form here by September 1.


The Impact of the Principal for a Day Program
Last fall, Max Planck Florida Institute of Neuroscience participated in the program and has shared its impact on MPFI and Palm Beach Gardens Elementary: "Since the Principal for a Day Program in late October, we have returned to Palm Beach Gardens Elementary three times. We have done experiments and/or science crafts with every 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grader in the school! We have had the opportunity to share our passion for science with 519 students and spoke with many, many more. This would not have been possible without the principal for a day program and the introduction it provided. MPFI and the future scientists at PBGE thank you for the experience! We very much hope to see it return in the next school year."





Palm Beach North School Needs

Do you or your business want to help support the needs of public schools in the Palm Beach North region? If so, please check out a list of local needs here. If any of these opportunities are something you or your business can help with, please reach out to Katie Thompson, Co-Chair of the Education Committee, at Kspitzig@juniorachievement.com. Thank you for your interest in helping the schools in our community!

Palm Beach North Schools Programming Directory

The Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce, along with its Education Committee, has a vision to work with the business community in helping all schools in the Palm Beach North region become an "A" school. We’ve created a directory that details the 2024-25 Choice Programs in the Palm Beach North region. We encourage local businesses to review the programs listed here to purposefully connect with schools that align with your industry and help make an impact today!

Business Before Hours Student Table Sponsors

The Education Committee is working to increase overall support for the schools, as well as student participation at our Business Before Hours events. As a part of those efforts, our goal is to have two (2) to three (3) student tables/schools engaged at every event! Please see below for sponsorship opportunities. For questions or additional information, please contact Brittany Cartwright, Senior Director of Business Development, at brittany@pbnchamber.com.


Student Table Sponsor | $600 - $3,500 Four available per event, September - March

One Event - $600 | Three Events - $1,750 | Six Events - $3,500

  • Reserved table of ten (10) which provides seating for up to eight (8) students and one (1) teacher, with one (1) ticket reserved for sponsor (value $50)
    • Available high schools to host: Suncoast High School, Palm Beach Gardens High School, Jupiter High School and The Benjamin School. William T. Dwyer High School has a table. (Unavailable from the months of April - August)
  • Logo on the event registration page with recognition as a Student Table Sponsor (value $1,000)
  • Company logo in digital event program (provided by sponsor at least one week before event) (value $1,000)
  • Company logo on screen with recognition as Student Table Sponsor (value $1,000)
  • Company listed as a Student Table Sponsor on added on Digital Display/tablets placed on each table and at the registration / check-in area (value $200)

Explore Member benefits


Starting in August, this committee meets the first Thursday of every other month at 9:00 a.m. (Aug., Oct., Dec., Feb., Apr.) There is no meeting in June.


All Chamber members are welcome to participate. Guests are welcome.

Staff Contact

Kathleen Joy

Director of Strategic Initiatives


(561) 748-3954